Toll for trucks in Denmark

From 1 January 2025, trucks of 12 tons and above must pay road toll depending on how far they drive and how much CO2 they emit.


So far, driving in Denmark has been relatively inexpensive due to the use of the so-called Eurovignette. However, the European Union has concluded that charges not based on distance traveled, are unfair. As a result, a new electronic toll system will replace the Eurovignette and will also link charges to CO2 emissions. In this system, Denmark has divided vehicles into five classes due to CO2 emission:


Class 1 – Truck with date of first registration before 1 January 2019 and which does not comply with the other CO2 emission classes

Class 2 – Truck emitting 5% less than the CO2 reference value

Class 3 – Truck emitting 8% less than the CO2 reference value

Class 4 – Low emission truck emitting 50% less than the CO2 reference value

Class 5 – Zero emission truck determined by the vehicle’s power source, e.g. electricity or hydrogen


Additionally, the Danish toll will depend on the tonnage, with a division into three groups:


from 12 to 17.9 tons,

from 18 to 32 tons,

and above 32 tons.


The toll will apply to driving on the main part of the state road network and parts of the municipal road network (in total approx. 10,900 km). 


It is the intention of the Danish government that the road toll will apply to the entire Danish public road network as of 1 January 2028 (approx. 75,000 km).


For those interested in learning more about which specific roads will be included in the system and to calculate how much they will need to pay under the new toll structure, further details and tools are available on the official website: