NHO’s ( The Norwegian Confederation of Business and Industry ) latest member survey, conducted in July, indicates a slightly weaker market situation among member companies compared to June. Moreover, a significant majority anticipates a worsening situation ahead.
The survey revealed that 20 percent of responders characterized the situation as poor, while the percentage of those who reported market situation as positive, declined from 28 to 26 percent, compared to the June survey.
36 percent of respondents expect the situation to worsen in the next six months, while only 12 percent anticipate an improvement.
A majority of industries have a more pessimistic outlook, but only two industry associations have a majority of optimists – NHO Transport and Offshore Norway.
These survey results present a concerning outlook for businesses and industries in Norway. The overall weakening of the market situation and future prospects may require careful strategic planning to navigate through challenging times. It is essential to monitor the economic landscape closely and implement appropriate measures to support growth and stability.
(source: https://www.nho.no/tema/okonomisk-politikk-og-analyse/artikler/2023/nhos-medlemsundersokelse-i-juli-svakere-situasjon-og-okt-pessimisme/)
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