Packing list in Customs Clearance

What needs to be included?

One of the documents used for customs clearance of goods is the goods specification, more commonly referred to as a packing list. This document is not formalized in the form of a single document template. However, the law specifies what should be included in it.

Elements of the packing list

The packing list is a compilation of how the goods are packed for transportation. This means that it must contain the following information:

–  for whom the goods are intended – due to the fact that we often create a long logistics chain, the document should indicate the recipient of the goods. It may differ from the person who purchases the goods on the commercial invoice.
–  what is being transported – commercial names of goods packaged for transportation should be written. If goods are disassembled into parts for transportation, the document should include the names of the parts.
–  the way the goods are packed – indicate how the goods will be transported, e.g., numbered boxes on numbered pallets, i.e., screws box 2 on pallet 1.
–  number of individual packages – show the number of individual packages being transported.
–  number of collective packages – indicate the number and type of collective packages.
–  net weight – the weight of the goods without packaging – both individual and collective.
–  gross weight – the weight of the goods with packaging – both individual and collective.

One CMR waybill – one packing list

Proper preparation of the packing list will be limited by the number of shipments. As a rule, one CMR waybill = one packing list.

Exceptions to the packing list

A packing list may not always be necessary. It is possible when the goods in the shipment are uniformed, and the commercial invoice meets clearly defined requirements. This means that the elements of the packing list specified above have their entries on the commercial invoice.

It should be remembered that the packing list is assigned to the CMR. As many shipments, so many packing lists with a purpose, which is to indicate how the goods were packed for transportation.

Viabaltic is dedicated to assisting your company, and our team is prepared to conduct customs clearance with highest professionalism and efficiency.