Forecast for increased transport needs in Norway over the next three years

Norwegian logistics and transport companies are looking ahead to a promising future. A recent survey reveals that a significant majority of goods owners forecast an increased demand for transport in the upcoming three years. This trend reflects real optimism within the industry.

Majority predict Increased transport needs, while one-third expect stable transport needs

According to the survey, 65% of goods owners expect their transport needs to grow within the next three years. Notably, 8% expect strong growth in demand, while 57% predict a moderate increase. The reasons behind this forecast of growth vary. Many respondents attribute it to the expansion of their business operations, such as opening new stores and introducing new product lines. Others indicate overall market growth, both domestically and internationally.

While a majority expect growth, 31% of goods owners believe their transport needs will remain stable. This group expects no significant change from the current levels of demand.
Contrary to the optimistic outlook, very few goods owners predict a decline in transport needs. Only 4% of respondents foresee a slight decrease over the next three years. One respondent attributes this to a market downturn, while another—one of the larger players in the market—expects reduced transport needs despite increased volumes. This reduction is expected to result from more efficient transportation methods, such as better loading practices and rational packaging.

Insights from the product owner survey in 2024

The survey, conducted by sister publications Logistikk Inside ,Moderne Transport and in collaboration with the analysis company Friske Fakta AS, gathered responses from 51 goods owners, mainly from larger companies.
The total turnover for these companies in 2022 was NOK 477 billion, with 36 companies having over a billion NOK in turnover.
This comprehensive survey provides an outlook on the expected transport needs in Norway, indicating a trend towards increased demand driven by business expansion and market growth.
These positive moods and predictions give hope to Norwegian logistics and transport companies, which can expect a dynamic and evolving landscape over the next three years.
