Digitoll for goods brought from abroad to Norway by train.

Digitoll procedure  for goods brought from abroad to Norway by train is available from the beginning of March 2024 .
In that procedure the digital information must be provided to the Customs Office before, or no later than the day of arrival at the designated arrival place.

Such information must include detailed train information as route number, arrival time, and train destination.
The place of crossing the border will, as a rule, be the first terminal station where the train reaches Norway, and where the goods are to be unloaded. This is important because this place determines where Tolletaten will conduct inspections of goods and means of transport.

When the train actually reaches its destination, Tolletaten will receive information about it from Bane NOR.

Based on this, Tolletaten will provide the routing result for the selected procedure.
Until the routing result is received from Tolletaten, the carrier cannot unload the goods from the train.

If all informations will be provideed well in advance of arrival, then Tolletaten can complete the risk assessment and processing, before the goods arrive at the freight terminal.

If everything is in order upon arrival of the train, the goods can be released for the selected customs procedure.

Therefore we encourage our customers to read more about how Digitoll works and to recognize that sending us all information well in advance will be very important. This will allow us to prepare the Digitoll declaration in advance, which enables quick customs clearance and unloading of goods once they reach their place of destination.

Beginning April 1, 2025, it will be necessary to electronically declare goods entering Norway via Digitoll, and it will be obligatory to report goods for entry into the customs warehouse in TVINN.

source: https://www.toll.no/no/bedrift/nytt-fra-tolletaten/digitoll-for-jernbane-tilgjengelig-fra-1.-mars/